Review of Policy 101.3 (Relationships between Students and Faculty Members or Other University Employees

Friday, May 7, 2021


From the Faculty President Susan Harden:
The administration has initiated a review of policy 101.3, Relationships between Students and Faculty Members or Other University Employees which was last updated in 1996. As Faculty President, I know that our Faculty value professionalism, respect, healthy boundaries, safety, integrity, accountability, and transparency. To this end, how might policy 101.3 be strengthened to better communicate and clarify these values?
The Office of Legal Affairs and the Provost presented the Faculty Council with a revision (linked here) on April 29. I am respectfully asking the Faculty to review the old and new policy and to email me with concerns or suggestions before the close of the Spring semester, May 19. Your valuable comments will be summarized and provided to the Faculty Welfare Committee. the Faculty Executive Committee, and the administration. It is also important to hear from students and I have sent the revised policy to graduate and undergraduate student government leaders. Our local chapter of the American Association of Professors has been closely involved in providing leadership and guidance on this issue.
This is an extraordinarily busy end of the semester, layered with the trauma from the pandemic of COVID-19 and racism. We know that the pandemic and racism have a disproportionate impact on subsets of our university community. I see the exhaustion from faculty who are parents, caregivers, pre-tenure, adjunct, Black, Latinx, or Asian. I recognize the additional burden of this request and that makes your feedback even more critical and valuable.
It is important for the Faculty to provide our voices in the crafting of the proposed policy. For faculty who have thoughts to contribute, but really can't add one more thing to their plate, it's worth pointing out that this is just a step in a larger process of lifting faculty voices, and that faculty input will be essential going forward as well. Our responsiveness in this moment demonstrates caring. Our campus community needs and deserves and updated policy as we have classes and scholarly experiences this summer that will benefit from this new guidance
Thank you for consideration of this request.
Warmly, Susan
Susan B. Harden 
Associate Professor of Education
Cato College of Education
UNC Charlotte